The Amazing Spider-Man: A Modern Marvel in Cinematic History
The Amazing Spider-Man continues to break records as a historical film in the world of superhero cinema. The film, released in 2012, quite literally ushered in the globally recognized Spider-Man sequel with a new spin and fresh-faced actor as headliner/Peter Parker. This article takes you from the birth of The Amazing Spider-Man to its effects on all things Marvel (all verifiable facts- plus added in-depth analysis), so readers can get to understand its great influence and find out what living on has been. The Amazing Spider-Man: Spider-man at a Crossroads Before The Amazing Spider-Man, audiences had seen Sam Raimi's 2002 Spider-Man trilogy, which marked the superhero genre for a generation. However, after the disastrous third installment there was a need for change. Directed by Marc Webb, The Amazing Spider-Man was a reboot that gave new life to this familiar character. […]