Appearances on Channel 4
A look back at the show’s memorable moments on Channel 4.
The much-loved animated show The Simpsons has spent 20 years on Channel 4 but will be leaving with this and join E4 from January 1 2014. In recognition of its videos’ gifts to daily life and global impact over 35 years, the Channel 4 6:30 P.m. show on Sunday will become another home for them now that it is housed on E4.
New Seasons Will Drop Without Warning On Disney+gif E4
The latest episodes of The Simpsons will be available first on Disney +. In addition, the new seasons will also air on Channel 4’s streaming site for only brief periods when it comes out.
Polly Scates, Head of Acquisitions for Channel 4, explains why they have moved: “This is about reflecting modern television viewing habits- being able to reach younger audiences who participate in E4 competitions and go to view catch-up programs online.”
She went on to say more, “With the Simpsons I think Channel 4 has always had a special relationship, broadly set at the late-night point in when Lindy Elmer was there and begun under David Lloyd. It continues to bring Homeric story and great works of animation with enjoyment. I’m delighted that we can financially support production values that mean new episodes of this iconic series are produced not only for our viewers via E 4 but also increasingly through streaming these days.”
Pamela Hayden, a famed voice actress of 35 years, is retiring
The news comes as The Simpsons voice actress Pamela Hayden, who has played Melfouse Van Houten and many other characters for 35 years, will retire. Hayden, who was credited with nearly 700 episodes in total, was responsible for voices like Jimbo Jones and Rod Flanders. She also gave Malibu Stacy her unforgettable tone. Her departureof course means the end of an era for the show.
Season 36 Launches With Unique Finaleepisode.
Adding to the fun, The Simpsons
Season 36 began with an episode nameed its “season climax”. This was actually only on paper the end of a seriesA playful send-up aired in one last effort to shape up what might be the perfect finale. Drawing in giggles from shows all around town, the show saw cameos like animated renditions of the end Sequences from series such as The Sopranos, Breaking Bad ( 2008 ), GameOf Thrones ( 2011 ) and Succession (2020).For 36 seasons running it has never held a final conclusionend.
Channel 4 Continues on with Disney
Transitioning to E4 is well in keeping with today’s media environment, as well as reflecting the growing importance of partnerships. Polly Scates thanked Disney Entertainment for getting us up onto UK screens all latest seasons of The Simpsons.
To have fans able to see the show through both E4 and FromE + after its Disney+ premiere is what this cooperation will make happen for all of them,”Perlitis observed.
New season series of The Simpsons What’ s next?
Despite rumors of an impending series finale, The Simpsons continues to be a true global phenomenon that keeps aligning itself with viewer expectations around the world. As it makes its move on E4 and new seasons beckon, one of the world’s most controversial animated series will be around for a while yet.
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